Poker LARP Information

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@ Relaxicon March 30 - March 31, 2001 - Crystal Inn, Maryland (MD)

Known Space Poker Championships Pre-Qualification Rounds

     It's been 30 years since the last Known Space Poker Championships. The players have changed, except for a few and the political climate is different but one thing is still the same, every card player worth playing with is trying to get a seat at the BIG GAME.
     MD-100's Capital, CrystalInn City is hosting the first 2 pre-qual rounds, and some of the finest poker players alive will be hitting the tables hoping to make the cut and move on to the next round. Along with them will be some players trying out new systems, or maybe even a card cheat or two.
     After the poker games House Sinclair of the Cartel, the sponsors of the Tournament, and CrystalInn City will host a little party to celebrate the return of the Poker Championships and announce the players who placed in the top slots and are on their way to the BIG GAME.

     The Poker Pre-Qualification LARP will be a testing ground for our rules and ideas which will be employed in our first full weekend LAPR "The Big Game". It will be three sessions, with the first two being poker games. The games will have 5 players and a dealer(GM) and will run up to 2 hours. A player can only be in one of the two games, but is encouraged to play their character later at the party which will be held Saturday Night, as plots will be "hinted to" during the card games that might be of interest to the various players.
     The party will be held Saturday night and will have the 10 poker players (hopefully) and additional characters and "background" folks. The party will be more detailed and plot driven then the poker games, but they wont lack excitement.
     Observers are welcome (and encouraged) to come watch the poker games, and the party will be open to folks that don't want to actually "play" but might be interested in dressing up and adding color and background to the event. They may get swept into the plot depending on what happens, but that depends on the characters....doesn't it?

      The Poker Game portion of the LARP will not require any special skill as a card player. I hope to have copies of the rules posted here for the variations that will be used at least 2 weeks before the LARP. The players will have special abilities which allow them to adjust the game in their favor. This way you don't have to be a great poker player to win. These games are tests of our rules for use in a (hopefully) upcoming weekend long LARP, so we want to make sure that the systems will perform as expected. To this end any help you the players might be able to give would be greatly appreciated. If you're a champ at poker, sign up. If you've never played the game in your life, sign up. I want these rules to help even the playing field so that we can successfully simulate great skill with cards, even if you don't have it. We're hoping we've managed to balance the system and special abilities to make it fun and challenging, without making it impossible to play a hand of poker.

      The Party which will end the evening will have food and drink and a plot as well!, okay it'll really have MANY plots. We hope to use the party to lay the groundwork for future games and get people interested in the universe of Known Space. The party will also feature the very first live test of our "Cinematic Combat System" which is designed to give the simulated effect of the combat in Action Movies where everything is fast and furious but not always too dangerous to the good guys.

Station Constantinople is a product of KFAQ Productions.

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This is our mascot, the infamous Kreig Schaf.


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