Code Name: Speed Trap

Real Name: Paul Horton

Sex: Male

Height: 5' 11"

Weight:160 lb.

Age: 18

Marital Status: Single

Home Turf: Macon, Tennesee

Other Occupation: Student / Super Hero


Quote: I loose more guitars that way.



Value Characteristic Points
13 STR 3
14 DEX 12
13 CON 6
10 BODY 0
13 INT 3
8 EGO -4
10 PRE 0
18 COM 4
3 PD 0
3 ED 0
5 SPD 26
10 REC 8
50 END 12
24 STUN 0
  Total 70

Points Powers END
60 Multipower (60-pt reserve)  
u-3 Kinetic Reflection: 6d6 Energy Blast; Versus: PD; Damage Shield: +½; Reduced END: Zero, ½; Only activates when attacked: -¼; Only deals damage up to damage recieved: -½ 0
u-6 Kinetic Absorption: 6d6 Absorption (Fade/turn, Max. 56); Affects: Single Power, +0; Reduced END: Persistent, ½  
26 Elemental Control (26-pt reserve)  
a-19 Armor (24 PD/12 ED); Only up to amount rolled on Kinetic Absorption/Kinetic Reflection: -½  
b-22 1d6 Transfer vs. "Movement Powers" to Running (Returns 5/turn, Maximum: 50); Range: 0; Damage Shield: +½; Only activates if Kinetic Absorption/Kinetic Reflection is active (-1/4): -¼; Affects "Movement Powers": Single Power of Special Effect, +¼  
c-17 1d6 Transfer vs. SPD to SPD (Returns 5/turn, Maximum: 29); Range: 0; Affects: Single Power, +0; Damage Shield: +½; Reduced END: Zero, ½; Linked to "Movement Powers" Transfer: -½  
d-17 1d6 Transfer vs. DEX to DEX (Returns 5/turn, Maximum: 29); Range: 0; Affects: Single Power, +0; Damage Shield: +½; Reduced END: Zero, ½; Linked to "Movement Powers" Transfer: -½  
9 Elemental Control (9-pt reserve)  
a-9 Running (+4", 10", NC: 80"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×8, +10; Has Turn Mode: No, +0 2
b-8 Invisibility (Normal Sight); Reduced END: Zero, ½; Always On: -½; Linked: -½; Only when moving > 10" per phase: -½ 0
196 Total Powers  

Points Skills, Talents, Perks Roll
10 +5 level w/Move-By  
4 +2 level w/Move-Through  
5 PS: Guitar 14-
2 PS: Harmonica 11-
2 KS: Modern Music 11-
2 KS: Musical Composition 11-
1 Low Society 8-
1 Bribery 8-
2 AK: Macon, TN 11-
0 Climbing 8-
0 Concealment 8-
0 Conversation 8-
0 Deduction 8-
0 Shadowing 8-
0 Stealth 8-
0 Paramedic 8-
0 TF: Bicycle 8-
29 Total Skills, Talents, Perks  

100+ Disadvantages
20 Psych. Lim.: Protective of Children (Common, Total)
15 Reputation: Mediagenic Superhero (14-)
15 Hunted: Sunburst (8-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0
15 DF: Glows when struck with Energy attacks (fades at rate of 5 BODY done/turn); Concealability: Not Concealable, 15; Reaction: Noticed and Recognizable, +0
15 Code Against Killing (Common, Strong)
13 Enraged: When Underestimated by Opponents (11-, 11-); Circumstances: Very Common, +15
10 Watched: U.S. Government (8-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Only Watching: ×½; Punishment: Harsh, 0
10 Rivalry: Other Speedsters; Situation: Professional, 5; Position: Superior, +5; Rival: NPC, +0
10 Public Identity: Paul Horton
10 Psych. Lim.: Fear of responsibility (Uncommon, Strong)
10 Psych. Lim.: Addicted to using powers (Common, Moderate)
10 DNPC: the "Folks Back Home" (Normal, 8-); Skills: Normal, +0
10 DNPC: Firebrand (As Powerful, 14-); Skills: Normal, +0
8 Watched: TN State Parole Board (2 Strikes) (8-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Limited, -5; Only Watching: ×½; Punishment: Harsh, 0
5 Reputation: Former Criminal (8-)
5 Poor Impulse Control (Uncommon, Moderate)
5 Phys. Lim.: Hyperactive Metabolism (Infrequently, Slightly)
1 Quirk: No Sense of Direction
187 Total Disadvantages

COSTS: Char.   Powers   Total Total   Disadv.   Base   Exp.
  70 + 225 = 295 295 = 187 + 100 + 8

OCV DCV ECV Mental Def. PD/rPD ED/rED Phases
5 5 3 0 27/24 15/12 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

Background: Paul was born in a trailer park in Macon, Tennessee. His mother was 17 years old at the time, shacking up with her boyfriend after having been kicked out by her parents. Paul's father skipped town just three weeks after his birth, and to this day Paul knows little about him. Paul's mother once said his father was in the Army, but she was drunk at the time. In any case, Paul never really cared to learn who his father was.

Paul considered his life pretty normal until around his 14th birthday. About that time his mother began dating Robert Cash, a man ten years her senior. Robert helped Jane deal with her drinking problem - they even planned to be married. However, his mother's new devotion to Robert left Paul feeling abandoned and ignored. Paul began to "act out." Unfortunately for the community of Macon, it was at this time that Paul's powers began to manifest.

Paul began a three-month spree of high-speed vandalism. No one was ever hurt, but Paul spent a lot of time in the back of the sheriff's cruiser. And each time the sheriff brought him home, the arguments between he and Robert escalated. Their conflict came to a boil shortly after Robert and his mother's wedding, and three days before Paul's 15th birthday. Paul's mother announced to Paul that she was pregnant, and Paul's feelings of resentment triggered another one of his sprees. When the cops brought him home, Robert decided to put his foot down. He decided to try some "old-fashioned" discipline.

Though Robert couldn't actually hurt Paul, his attempts were enough to drive Paul over the edge. He slammed his stepfather against the wall hard enough to crack his ribs and knock him unconscious. Paul then fled, and when he finally came home the law was waiting for him. Robert chose to press charges, and Paul was taken into custody to await trial. The trial itself went rather quickly. Despite his emotionally charged state, the jury decided that Paul had demonstrated enough control over his powers to stop his stepfather without harming him. He was convicted of Assault with a Deadly Weapon (namely, his powers), and sentenced to three-to- six years in a state juvenile holding facility.

Paul was a model prisoner. He spent his time reading and keeping up with his studies, allowing him to earn his GED before his 18th birthday. His mother visited him regularly, often bringing his newborn twin-sisters with her. On one of her visits she gave him a harmonica, which sparked Paul's interest in music. It was also during his jail time that Paul first enjoyed the media spotlight - his story was covered in a Time Magazine special issue on "The State of Future," which focused on America's youth. When it came time for his first parole hearing, both his mother and stepfather argued for his release. Paul didn't stay with his family for long after his release - the relationship between he and his stepfather was still too strained.

Paul left to travel east, intending to pursue a music career. He's been sidetracked a number of times along the way, using his powers to stop crimes and save lives. The media spotlight has followed him, too - his good looks, sharp wit, protectiveness of children and "pull yourself up by the bootstraps"-story make him the classic underdog. As such, he has a disproportionately large reputation, and Paul enjoys the attention.

Powers: Paul knows surprisingly little about his powers. What abilities he has demonstrated were developed more though trial and error than skill. Paul would describe himself as a "kinetic energy battery." As he understands it, he can absorb/draw kinetic energy from objects in motion. Moreover, he has shown some ability to retain this absorbed energy and use it to augment his own speed. Demonstrated applications of these abilities include:

"Absorption" - Paul's most basic power is the ability to set up a skin-tight field that absorbs kinetic energy directed at him, granting him a small degree of invulnerability. This absorbed energy then seems to be applied directly to Paul's momentum, allowing Paul to demonstrate unaided running speeds nearing 400 mph.

"Leech" - Through practice, Paul has learned to concentrate and actively "pull" kinetic energy away from a living being by touch. Paul can effectively "steal" his target's ability to produce kinetic energy and use it to augment his own energy production. Even after losing contact with his target Paul shows a temporary but dramatic increase in speed, while his target is "slowed" for an equal amount of time as Paul is speeded up. Paul often uses this technique in conjunction with his Absorption abilities to drain speed from anyone foolish enough to attack him in hand-to- hand combat.

"Reflection" - Paul can also utilize his kinetic field to redirect incoming kinetic energy back towards it's source. The process is nearly 100% efficient, and provides protection to harm comparable to Paul's Absorption technique. The reflected kinetic energy also serves as an offensive weapon - Paul can direct it back at his attacker, giving them "a taste of their own medicine." However, raw kinetic energy dissipates quickly at range, limiting this technique's effectiveness to hand-to-hand combat range.

Beyond these techniques, Paul demonstrates a baseline speed beyond normal human limits; likely due to kinetic energy absorbed through incidental daily contact. Also, when Paul runs, a severe "motion-blurring" effect can be observed. As a result, Paul becomes nearly invisible to all visual observation when nearing his top speed. This has been attributed to unexplained phenomena relating to the interaction of his kinetic field and light waves.