Dossier - Slyde

Name: Unknown

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Unknown

Birthplace: Unknown

Occupation: Unknown

Base of Operations: Unknown

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 165

Hair: Unknown

Eyes: Unknown


Known Powers

Slyde wears a special costume which is coated in an exotic low friction compound which makes him virtually impossible to grab and hold. He is able to coat areas with this compound rendering pursuit impossible for normal law-enforcement personnel.

This coating allows him to move rapidly by "skating" along the ground. On the few occassions when foot pursuit was possible he easily out distanced his pursuers in a matter of a few seconds.

Slyde wears a pair of goggles it is believed provide him with enhanced vision that allows him to ignore the effects of his smoke grenades. It's not known if they provide any addional functionality.

Slyde is a skilled martial combatant and has on a number of occassions easily defeated normal police and security personnel when they managed to engage him in hand to hand combat. He has highly developed reflexes, but from available testimony and video it would not in itself indicate paranormal ability.

Modus Operandi

Slyde begins his crime by entering the bank and deploying smoke grenades to cause a panic and reduce visibility.

He grabs easily availabale cash from tellers and then makes his escape by "skating" along the ground.

On occassionas where he has been fired upon he's had little difficulty avoiding the shots due to his high reflexes and speed. When the situation has forced hand to hand combat he uses speed to his advantage and escapes at the earliest possible moment.

Smash and grab, with each robery taking under three minutes. To date no one has been seriously injured and he does not carry a firearm.